DIII-D #174783


This H-mode discharge was part of an experiment to explore the very high confinement observed in super H-modes where H_98y2 > 1.5. Analysis was performed at 2.109 secs.

The major plasma parameters are Bt=2.1T, Ip=2.0MA, kappa=1.9, and delta(u,l)=(0.46,0.66). This discharge was heated with 14.2MW of NBI.

Data analysis

ONETWO run with 51 radial grid points.

ONETWO files:

Reviewplus time traces



Kinetic EFIT at 2109ms:

Plot of EFIT



TGYRO run with TGLF09(SAT0) and EPED1-NN models:


S. Ding, et al., Nucl. Fusion 60, 034001 (2020).

Journal paper hyperlink